
Showing posts from May, 2021


“The very center and core of the whole Bible is the doctrine of the grace of God.” –J. Gresham Machen “Grace” is the most important concept in the Bible, Christianity, and the world. It is most clearly expressed in the promises of God revealed in Scripture and embodied in Jesus Christ. Grace is the love of God shown to the unlovely; the peace of God given to the restless; the unmerited favor of God. What is Grace?: Christian Quotes About Grace “Grace is free sovereign favor to the ill-deserving.”(B.B. Warfield) “Grace is love that cares and stoops and rescues.”(John Stott) “[Grace] is God reaching downward to people who are in rebellion against Him.”(Jerry Bridges) “Grace is unconditional love toward a person who does not deserve it.” (Paul Zahl) Grace is most needed and best understood in the midst of sin, suffering, and brokenness. We live in a world of earning, deserving, and merit, and these result in judgment. That is why everyone wants and needs grace. Judgment kills. Onl

Does Hebrews 6:4-6 mean we can lose our salvation?

Hebrews 6:4–6 states, “It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age and who have fallen away, to be brought back to repentance.” This is one of the Bible’s most difficult passages to interpret, but one thing is clear—it does not teach that we can lose our salvation. There are two valid ways of looking at these verses: One interpretation holds that this passage is written not about Christians but about unbelievers who are convinced of the basic truths of the gospel but who have not placed their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior. They are intellectually persuaded but spiritually uncommitted. According to this interpretation, the phrase once enlightened (Hebrews 6:4) refers to some level of instruction in biblical truth. However, understanding the words of Scripture is not the same as being regenerated by the Holy Spirit. For


"For as he thinks within himself, so he is." Proverbs 23:7 NASB I want you to be aware that as you look to the person of Jesus and cultivate the power of right believing, you’ll experience some battles in your mind that will challenge your beliefs. Be encouraged to know that you don’t have to be afraid of these battles. Jesus said, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). Based on God’s Word, right believing is the key that unlocks the treasures of God in your life, giving you access to the fullness of His love, grace, favor, blessings, and forgiveness. Jesus has already paid the price on Calvary’s hill. The hindrance then between you and your victory is your wrong beliefs. The battle has to do with your beliefs. The enemy knows that if he can control your thought life, he can manipulate your emotions and feelings. For instance, if he can make you entertain thoughts of guilt, failure, and defeat, you will begin to feel lousy about your

Worship with the Words of David

"But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory and the One who lifts up my head. I cried to the Lord with my voice, and He heard me from His holy hill." Psalm 3:3–4 When we are going through a difficult time or dealing with a heavy burden of stress, anxiety, fear, or condemnation, it’s extremely challenging to make the paradigm shift from self-occupation to Christ-occupation. So how do we do it? To answer that question, let me show you how David encouraged himself in the Lord whenever he was fearful, anxious, or depressed. Let’s learn from someone whom God describes as “a man after My own heart” (Acts 13:22). God’s Word reveals to us that whenever David was in trouble, he worshiped the Lord with beautiful psalms, hymns, and praises. Instead of wallowing in his own defeat and groping in darkness, David would turn his eyes to the heavens and lift up his voice to the King of kings. In his closing years, when Absalom, his own son, betrayed him and tried to usurp the throne, D

Be Led by the Holy Spirit

"Now when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia. After they had come to Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit did not permit them." Acts 16:6–7 The more areas of your life you involve the Lord in, the more you can experience His protection. You can even ask the Lord to guide you in something as seemingly natural as your travel itinerary. In fact, read the passage above. The apostle Paul allowed the Holy Spirit to lead them at every step. We see from those Scriptures that closed doors are not necessarily negative, and could be signs of God’s protection over our lives. The challenge for some of us is that we are so adept at planning and scheduling our busy lives that many times, we don’t make room for the Lord to intervene and to guide us to be at the right place at the right time. Let’s not put our trust in our intelligence and planning, but in His wisdom, leading, and couns

Psaume 91

Que nous apprend ce psaume ? -Avoir confiance plus que de raison -Se sentir protéger voire invincible Versets 1–2 : Celui qui demeure sous l’abri du Très-Haut Repose à l’ombre du Tout Puissant. Je dis à l’Eternel: Mon refuge et ma forteresse, Mon Dieu en qui je me confie! Demeurer signifie habiter, non pas vagabonder de temps en temps, comme aller à l’église un dimanche par an, ouvrir sa Bible 5 minutes par mois ou prier quelques secondes par semaine… Non DEMEURER signifie vivre Jésus, à 100%, 24h/24 et 7j/7 ! C’est prier partout, sans limite, en voiture, en se brossant les dents, en écoutant de la louange. Vivez Dieu ! Le verset 2 DECLARE. Je dis. C’est moi, ma propre personne qui déclare que Dieu est mon refuge. Non pas parce que je l’ai entendu une fois quand j’étais petit, non aujourd’hui DECLARE que Dieu est ton roi et que tu te confie chaque instant en lui. Versets 3–4: Car c’est lui qui te délivre du filet de l’oiseleur, De la peste et de ses ravages. Il te couv


"Giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins." Colossians 1:12–14 Years ago, when I first started preaching, one of my spiritual heroes back then had said, “There’s nothing wrong with God and nothing wrong with His Word. When you don’t receive from God, there’s something wrong with you.” So that’s what I taught my church too. I wanted my people to be healed and whole, and that’s why I taught them a list of reasons they were not receiving their healings, but that list just kept growing. One day, I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit on the inside of me saying, “Stop disqualifying My people!” I countered, “But Lord, I am not disqualifying them. I am trying to qualify them for Your healing.” As I said that, my eyes were opened, and I repe