Worship with the Words of David

"But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory and the One who lifts up my head. I cried to the Lord with my voice, and He heard me from His holy hill." Psalm 3:3–4 When we are going through a difficult time or dealing with a heavy burden of stress, anxiety, fear, or condemnation, it’s extremely challenging to make the paradigm shift from self-occupation to Christ-occupation. So how do we do it? To answer that question, let me show you how David encouraged himself in the Lord whenever he was fearful, anxious, or depressed. Let’s learn from someone whom God describes as “a man after My own heart” (Acts 13:22). God’s Word reveals to us that whenever David was in trouble, he worshiped the Lord with beautiful psalms, hymns, and praises. Instead of wallowing in his own defeat and groping in darkness, David would turn his eyes to the heavens and lift up his voice to the King of kings. In his closing years, when Absalom, his own son, betrayed him and tried to usurp the throne, David could have chosen to retaliate by sending out his loyal troops against Absalom. However, he didn’t have the heart to fight against his beloved son. Instead David fled from Absalom with tears in his eyes and a broken heart. Just imagine how crushed David must have been. But rather than be overwhelmed by the excruciatingly painful circumstances surrounding him, David looked to the Lord and worshiped Him with these eternal words as he ascended the Mount of Olives: “But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory and the One who lifts up my head. I cried to the Lord with my voice, and He heard me from His holy hill” (Ps. 3:3–4). Isn’t it wonderful to know that when we cry out to God in worship, He hears us? As David worshiped the Lord, God turned his circumstances around for his good. God allowed a person in Absalom’s camp to give him unsound advice, and as a result Absalom’s coup d’état failed. I am telling you that no matter what your trouble is today, learn to worship Jesus in your valley of trouble and praise His lovely name. See Him as your shield. See Him as your glory and the lifter of your head. Be consumed with Jesus, and He will turn your circumstances around for your good. Let your heart find rest and peace in the security of His love. #PJP
