The Holy Spirit

Why is it important to know the Holy Spirit? The Christian life is not hard. It is impossible. It is a miraculous and supernatural life. Christianity is not what you do for God, but what He does for you, in you and through you by His Spirit. The problem is not God, but us. We limit Him in our lives. The problem with many of us is not because God does not want to help us. God has provided everything; the only problem is our ignorance or refusal to avail of His provision. The Holy Spirit is a divine person, sent to indwelling, guide, teach, empower the believer, and convince the world of sin, of righteousness, and of Judgement. The Doctrine of the trinity states that God is one and that the three persons of the trinity. The Greek words in verse 16 for “another counselor” are: - Allos (“another of the same kind”) - pkrakletos (Comforter, Advocate) This Spirit is “of the same kind” as God the son. He is our parakleto or one who comes to our aid. and comforts us and provides an irreversible affirmation. He teaches us and transforms our hearts so that our affections and responses become more and more like Jesus. The Holy Spirit is in us and with us. The Holy spirit is the abiding blessing and power for God’s people forever, he will never tire of counseling, loving, and empowering us, both in the huge events of our life and the mundane everyday decisions we make. The Father is God, the Son is God, the Holy Spirit is God. There is only one God, the Bible does not say that there are three gods. We have only one God, eternally existing in 3 distinct persons – the Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is not the Father, they are distinct persons but one Being---God is a Tri-Unity, or the Trinity. Now the word “Trinity” is not in the Bible John 14:15-18 John 16:13 John 16:17 Evidence of the Holy Spirit Genesis 1:26 Matthew 28:19 Matthew 3:16-17 Jude 20-21 Mark 1:10-11 Genesis 1:1 God the Father - is the author of all creation and all mankind. God the Son - Accomplished the work if the Father through creation and - through the redemptive act of salvation. God the Spirit - Applied the work of the father for his purposes and through - his people on earth. God’s Incommunicable Attributes – those we don’t share • God is Sovereign Isaiah 46:9-10 • God is Omniscient Psalm 147:5 • God is Omnipresent Psalm 139:7-10 • God is Omnipotent Jeremiah 32:27 • God is Immutable Hebrews 13:8 God’s Communicable Attributes – those we share • God is eternal Revelation 1:8 • God is righteous Psalm 145:17 • God is just Deuteronomy 32:4 • God is love 1 John 4:16 • God is truth 2 Samuel 7:28 GOD BLESS US ALL!


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