
Showing posts from July, 2021

The Holy Spirit

Why is it important to know the Holy Spirit? The Christian life is not hard. It is impossible. It is a miraculous and supernatural life. Christianity is not what you do for God, but what He does for you, in you and through you by His Spirit. The problem is not God, but us. We limit Him in our lives. The problem with many of us is not because God does not want to help us. God has provided everything; the only problem is our ignorance or refusal to avail of His provision. The Holy Spirit is a divine person, sent to indwelling, guide, teach, empower the believer, and convince the world of sin, of righteousness, and of Judgement. The Doctrine of the trinity states that God is one and that the three persons of the trinity. The Greek words in verse 16 for “another counselor” are: - Allos (“another of the same kind”) - pkrakletos (Comforter, Advocate) This Spirit is “of the same kind” as God the son. He is our parakleto or one who comes to our aid. and comforts us and provides an

What is the meaning of the cross?

Simply put, the meaning of the cross is death. From about the 6th century BC until the 4th century AD, the cross was an instrument of execution that resulted in death by the most torturous and painful of ways. In crucifixion a person was either tied or nailed to a wooden cross and left to hang until dead. Death would be slow and excruciatingly painful; in fact, the word excruciating literally means “out of crucifying.” However, because of Christ and His death on the cross, the meaning of the cross today is completely different. In Christianity, the cross is the intersection of God’s love and His justice. Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29). The reference to Jesus as the Lamb of God points back to the institution of the Jewish Passover in Exodus 12. The Israelites were commanded to sacrifice an unblemished lamb and smear the blood of that lamb on the doorposts of their homes. The blood would be the sign for the Angel of Death to “pass over”